Monday, August 6, 2007

I can feel it. We're very, very close - Ghostbusters

STV is very, very huge for a person of such short stature. Oak got about 30% into lvl 39 last night. RW ran me around through quest after quest and I appreciate that so much. However, we just ran outta time.

So maybe tonight the fabled 40 will appear.

On Plate in general:
I've picked a good plate item (feet) from the hunter's camp in STV. Additionally, the armory says there is a quest giver in the Badlands which seems to give me a good plate chest piece, and I found that guy with Lightheaded and TomTom (if you don't have those mods, go get them NOW, I'll wait .... Done? Good man!)
So I've got some plate items in the queue and I'm slavering to research more about em.

On finances:
Can't wait to ding 40 and stroll into IF for my mount. I've done well on gold, so training up shouldn't be a problem.

On gear for a Ret Pally:
I started official research on becoming a good Critadin this weekend. What I found was a whole lot of nothing. So I'll keep looking but I may be the first to blaze this trail seriously. Standing against the nay-sayers and ner-do-wells sounds like a good time to me :)

Seems as though, from what I read on the internet, is that "the only believe people who believe in Ret Pallys are ... well, Ret Pallys". Just the kind of challenge I like :) Never EVER tell me that I CAN'T do something when it appears obvious to me that the tools are right there in front of me to accomplish the very thing that YOU say I can't do.

Ret Pallys have gotten a bad rap. I'd sure like to have a hand in changing all that.


Honors Code said...

Start with post #40

Origami said...

Last night, I fought a Ret Pally in AV in a 1v1 fight. Three times.
Yes, I won all 3 fights but man that guy did some SERIOUS damage.
So, keep your head up and stay the course, you too can impress the ignorant masses as to how much hurt a ret pally can dish out.

Admittedly, it's not the damage other classes can generate. But I've never been in a fight with a pally where I was seriously concerned about whether I'd survive or not.
I outplayed him. In actuality, he was probably limited by his very class and spec. I use rage/energy for my attacks and then can shift and use a completely seperate bar (mana) for healing. He has to use his mana for both dps and healing. His mana is finite and limited by balancing gear that adds to that pool with gear that increases his survivability, raw melee dps damage, and spell crit. That's a tough juggling act and I bet the itemization isn't out there for serious Ret Pallies.
Still he pulled off some impressive numbers. I think he hit me with some holy spell for over 1k. That was an eye-opener.
If you can get to the point where you're pulling off damage like this guy, I think you'll get a lot of comments from amazed people. Just don't tell them you're ret or you'll never get a group! ;)

Rob said...

Thanks for the comments Origami! Cool stuff. You're right on all those points, I believe.

The only class I'm hoping to match, eventually, is perhaps rogues. I see that as the only reachable dps level for Rets. And I still think that would be amazing. I'm under no illusion of ever matching a druid, mage, hunter or locks dps. But its gonna be fun to get however high I can. And even if I can't usually beat out rogue, just being seen as a contender would be reward enough for me.

I'm pretty sure most people don't think of taking a pally to a dungeon for dps, even when another usual dps isn't available. I think most people would say "oh well, not tonight guys, not enough dps to go and the only person left is this ret pally". So that's part of the goal, to be seen as a viable dps filler. And I think that's very doable.

I know there are gonna be respecs, juggling acts with gear as you mentioned, and there will be a lot of laughing at me I'm sure. But hopefully it will all be in good fun :)

I'm glad to be in a guild like this that seems to continually support unorthodox approaches to gameplay. With what I've observed from afar, our group makeups and general approach to the game stray far from the "cookie cutter" approach of so many other guilds/players. I dig that about us. And honestly, I think we have the kind of imaginative gameplay that Blizz probably hopes for everyone in WoW.

Origami said...

I think you'll have a better chance at matching feral druid dps than rogue dps.
A well geared, specced, and played rogue will outdps a similar feral druid.