Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Zipping to Zul'farrak

Well last night was a pretty good evening. RW and I headed to ZF to get some quests done there and hopefully get me some xp too. I wasn't too hopeful on the xp front to be honest. But I was pleasantly surprised to find out that, with my rested bonus and even with RW there, I was still getting well over 350xp for each mob. So I loved that. Although I didn't ding 42 as I had expected, there was another good surprise.

Bacon and I were chatting back and forth during my run, while he was in AB (I think). All of a sudden, he says "I need an invite". So that was awesome too! He came in swinging some kinda big lantern and slinging out phat healz all the rest of the run. So a big thanks to Bacon and RW for helping me get some ZF stuff done.

I like that place too. It's not gi-normous and the mobs are interesting fights, with just the right amount of pats mixed in for flavor. Of course, little Oak couldn't stand up to them, even one-on-one (okay MAYBE then) but most were 4-5 lvls above me and dungeon leets at that so I wasn't too bummed. They still felt it when big two hander hit and I wasn't getting too many resists. So although my dps was way down from normal, I attributed that to the monster dps Bacon and RW can do compared to me and the fact that the mobs were so much higher level than Oak.

And like the ubr-dummy that I am, I didn't have my mallet with me to summon Gahz'rilla so that part of my questing remains undone. I'll have to con these guys into going back sometime ...


Bacon said...

I'll go back with you if you dont mind losing a little experience with a high lvl around.

Rob said...

That'd be awesome man!

Frankie said...

I wish I could have been there! Look me up if you go in again. If I'm not too busy :D I'll come help!

Origami said...

I can help as well if I'm on.
If all you need/want to do is Gahz'rilla, then take the left fork when you get to the T-intersection with the fountain.

People are always getting lost in there - we don't want to have to send out SAR for you guys. ;-)