Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The Retribution Revolution

I'll explain that title momentarily. Right now though ... DING 40!!! WHOOO HOOO! YESSS! Thankyouthankyouthankyou! /bow /cheer /freemount lol

Okay, I'm a tad bit excited at hitting 40 with Oakensledge. Man I love that little pally. It's been hard work getting here, and I've tried to get pretty decent gear along the way too. Much more so than I ever did with Talon. And it feels great.

Things to be happy about at 40
  • My dps is looking respectable.
  • I can take quite a bit of damage in a fight (3 or more mobs my level, sometimes elite).
  • Now I can wear plate. Just so awesome!
  • I'm getting better (and at a faster pace) in PVP than I did with Talon.

    You know, on a side note, sometimes you just seem to find a class that fits your thinking. I think I can finally crystalize my thoughts on a Ret Pally's role in a group and my approach to the class and spec. Jump in and disagree, jump in and correct me, just don't hate me cause you're wrong (just kidding).

  • Anyway, here goes:

  • First off, I view the Ret Pally as another supporting role.
  • You can stand back and off-heal if you need to (maybe even main heal a 5-man).
  • You can keep people free of a lot of debuffs, keep them outta traps, etc.
  • You can do some crowd-control as needed in a group. In solo play, I just love this.
  • My favorite thing though ... When the chips are down and you're friends are in trouble, and this is the part that excites me, you can step up shoulder to shoulder with them behind the tank, unload everything you got, and maybe, just maybe .... make a difference in the beating a boss and help save the day.

  • My Sappy View
    I see a Ret Pally as the gentle giants of the game (or in Oak's case, a smaller giant, lol). But they are the kind of class/spec that you'd sit down with, have an icy-cold beverage at the local watering hole; maybe they'd heal you up after a hard day in the dungeon. But then when that jerk in the bar starts making trouble, when he starts tossing chairs and saying foul things to fair maidens ... your Ret Pally buddy can change in an instant and be that guy (or gal) that you want there by your side healing you, and helping deal out damage, while you take the jerk outside and give him an attitude adjustment.

    So a very tough, supporting class with an attitude, who can make their presence known when things "get real". I realize other classes meet this same standard too, like druids, but I feel a connection with the Pally class, always have.

    Okay probably too much RPG in there for some of you but that's how I approach this class. It's how I like to think of myself in real life with my real life friends (although admittedly in real life, I'm not much of a healer).

    And after saying all that, I think that's why this class works for me. I just love it. I want to know more about it, become a student of it; like so many of my good guild-mates have become with their classes. Only then will I consider myself a decent and upstanding contributor to Heroes Inc.

    Here's to the players in our guild. All are Heroes.


    Honors Code said...

    This will be an even tougher road than I have tried to walk with Honors. Be prepared to be laughed at, kicked from groups, and called names.

    But I can tell you there are Ret Paladins who pull it off. You are more limited by the threat the tank can produce than anything else.

    You will need to have a supportive guild who will give you a chance. I happen to know of such a guild. ;-)

    I'm ready to help you in any way I can.

    Rob said...

    Thanks for the kind words sir! I know it's gonna be tough but I think it will be worth it. Just like you did with Tankadins, it was worth the trouble.

    And yeah I'm fortunate to be in this guild where this isn't frowned upon and glad to know a pally like you who doesn't laugh at me for trying :)