Friday, August 3, 2007

L2fight Ret Boy!

I kill myself sometimes, literally, in this game. Ever had one of those PVP moments when you hope the opposing player lets you go by, they don't, you decide to not fight, then halfway through your health bar you think "hey I think I can take em - I want to live!" ... then you start fighting and it turns out ... you coulda if you woulda but you did too little too late and now you're dead, Ret Pally Boy.

Whew! Now that I got that out.

Me (Ret Paladin): jogging (or maybe is yogging, could be a soft J) through STV
Tauren Druid: Sees me and runs me down on his obese lizard mount.
Me: I stand there waiting for the inevitable - never have fought druid with Oak before.
TD: Dismount, Starfire, starts whacking me with the mace
Me: Finally realize "omg, he's only lvl 41" - let's do this!
TD: Gets hit HARD
Me: Wow, look at his health go ... oh crap ... I didn't mana/health up from my last fight.
TD: Roots me.
Me: BOF, Seal of Crusader, Judgement, Swing the big two-hander
TD: Keeps on doing that druid thing. Switches to bear. For some reason, this is a mistake and he's doing almost no damage to me now.
Me: I'm outta mana. Need some health now too. Finally mana comes up enough to bubble. I do and drink a health pot. This proves to be my demise.
TD: Keeps hitting me and wins. I can't do enough damage to him without mana and the health pot wasn't big enough to save me.

I think what I should have done was Lay On Hands, and drank a MANA pot. That would have changed things drastically I believe.

Ah well, you die and learn in this game :)


Honors Code said...

You lifeline is not red, its blue. Don't forget to Judge Wisdom on the Druid. That will keep your mana coming. They have to way to stop your heals. Outlast him.

Origami said...

Also, Ret Boy, L2Bandage. :D

But I've been in your shoes where I don't fight and then halfway through decide to try when it's too little, too late.

Really though, you should have bubble-hearthed just to piss him off. :P

Rob said...

Thanks Honors, I'll remember that. In light of the situation I found myself in, would the Lay On Hands/Mana pot been a good way to go? I know blowing a 60 minute cool-down on some random horde seems extreme though.

Honors Code said...

I'm always ready to chug a pot. You can always have Talon buy a stack off the AH to replenish yoru supply.

Now with Lay On Hands, it depends entirely on what you are planning to do that night. Lay On Hands will finish cooling down while you are not online, so if you are close to the end of your session, sure use it. If you are near the begining or especially if you are going to run a dungeon don't use it.

There is nothing like popping Lay On Hands, Judgign Wisdom and finishing off a boss from 2% down to 0%.

Followed up by a "So Ret can't DPS eh?"