Friday, October 12, 2007

The Pillow

The Pillow

(with apologies to Edgar Allen Poe)

Once upon a midnight dreary, logging on to WoW, so weary,
Whence upon mine eyes so bleary, fell an image I now am fearing,
And in my mind there came a rapping - rapping as at my chamber door.
"Tis the drink," I muttered, "sounding at my mind's door,
Only this and nothing more.

My bed so soft and calling, in my mind I felt myself falling,
To a safe and restful state, of which I'd never felt before,
But then a voice I heard repeating, twas a voice filled with pleading,
"When did we last in Azeroth explore?"
Crossing the room, I opened, my chamber door;
Darkness there and nothing more.

Again a sound came and this time longer, with a desire even stronger,
Crowing for my attention, insistent promises of something more;
So that to still my heart's beating, then to myself I stood repeating,
"Nothing to fear this evening, only someone at my door"
"Some late visitor asking entrance at my door"
"This is it and nothing more"

But panic took me and I crossed the room anxious to escape the gloom,
Into my bedchamber I tread, fearing the things of which my heart dreads,
And then again I repeated, the same just as before,
It twas nothing, just faint whispers outside my home's front door.
Night sounds and jitters, nothing more.

I approached the pc my nerves disheveled, anxious now to quest and level,
The logon screen it opened shining and then came a new insistent whining,
A familiar yet elusive sound, in my head it bounced around,
Twas the noise that I abhor, called to me just as before.
"Questing can wait longer. Come to me and rest some more"

I turned and saw my pillow laying there, calling to me as I stared,
It crooned to me a pleasant bleat, promising peace and a dreamless sleep,
The pillow; and I yearned to heed it as I stared, abhorred,
But it called to me again saying more,
Questing you need do; nevermore.

My login screen waited at attention, I heard Oak's cries for intervention,
Calling to me from that virtual scene, pleading to quest, to say hi to my team,
But the pillow again called, weaving its seduction and drawing me o'er,
At last the screen forgotten, I was captured, as by the Sirens of lore,
The Pillow called me to rest. And quest?
Quote the Pillow, "Nevermore."


Raydz said...

Resist the urge to sleep and lvl! Good job on the poem though =) LOL

Jennifer said...

That was AWESOME!

Jennifer said...

That was AWESOME! Wait I think I hear my pillow calling......

Frankie said...

pillows are so overrated! level already so we can run a dungeon!

Jon said...

Ah, the pillow always loses to the call of the sword! Very entertaining and well done... OMG you hax0red Edgar Allen Poe! o_O