Thursday, October 18, 2007

What the Flux? An evening in Searing Gorge

Well I pretty much finished up my quests last night in Searing Gorge. A lvl 49 rogue practiced his sapping abilities on me and I practiced hunting him down. :D

Other than that it was a fairly easy evening. Here is a little rundown of what I did though.

My biggest mission, having previously chosen to accept it, was to travel waaaaaay down deep in the bowels of the Cauldron in the Searing Gorge. In there, is a lvl 50 leet Dwarf that one needs to get past in order to obtain an item for the quest "What the Flux?". (Love that quest name Blizz!)

Anyhow, behind said nasty is a scroll on a table, which is your quest item. He is flanked by a lvl 50 non-elite dwarf. These guys are both something like "Sith-Pallies". They can bubble, they can sheep, they can use Shadow magic. Its quite the experience. So my plan was to go in and die once (killing the non-elite in the process) and then run back and take on the elite ... just me and him ... in a dark cave ... where no one could hear his cries for help as the blackness of cold death clutches at his soul. Ahem. Sorry, the rogue in me came out there for a minute.

So I set my plan in motion. Killed the normal guy, ran back and healed up for the elite. I run in, swinging and judging aaaaaand ... dead! But it was ME that was dead, not him.

New strategy. I run back, heal up, put him to sleep with Repentance, pick up the freakin quest item and bubble/jump from the big tall dropoff behind him, falling down several levels to the cave floor below but thanks to my bubble-chute, I was healthy as a horse.

Very rogue-like of me :) Well I figured he'd bring the whole dang place to bear down on me but instead, I was almost immediately out of combat. I was little bummed because I needed that elites head for a quest but I figured I could wait for another day.

As luck would have it, on my way out of the Cauldron I run into two hunters that needed help with that very quest. So I group up with them and head right back in there.

I do my pally thing and give them and their big cats Greater Blessing of Might (the hunters were using mainly melee attacks for some resason). They didn't seem to have been there before or it had been awhile, so I even got to help find the place and recommend a turn here or a tunnel-twist there. The dwarves in the Slag Pit also net people while they are fighting so I got to provide a few BoFs and then reapply GBoM. So that was good practice.

In the end, We kill our elite with no problem at all - both hunters were lvl 51 and one was beast-mastery specc'd. So I end up getting my quest item from the big mean nasty dwarf anyway, netting me some more experience.

Feeling rather satisified with all that and being halfway to 53 now, I think tonight I'll visit the Crater and hit 53, maybe 54. I have some Imperial Plate items that I'm just dying to put on :)


Honors Code said...

Anytime you need help with an elite quest, don't hesitate to look me up.

Rob said...

Dang it, I hesitated! I'll remember for next time though :) Thanks for the offer.

Raydz said...

Good read man, but do NOT contact me for help in game, im 2 leet.
Just kidding =) If im free ill tear through some stuff with ya!